The Uses of Skid Steer Augers
Skid steer owners have the opportunity to widely expand the capabilities of their machine by fitting it with a vast range of attachments. One of the most useful skid steer attachments on the market is an auger. A skid steer auger is an attachment designed to pierce the ground and drill straight down. In doing so, this attachment proves useful in a wide range of applications. Discover some of the many uses of skid steer augers.
Installing Fences and Sign Posts
The most common use for skid steer augers is fence and sign post installation. In fact, around 80 percent of augers are implemented by farmers, ranchers, contractors, and fence installation companies for the purpose of installing fence posts.
Because skid steer augers can quickly drill deep and precise holes into the ground—even extremely hard surfaces, such as rocks or frozen ground—they are ideal for setting straight, firm fence or sign posts. In most cases, the process of digging these holes using an auger only takes a few seconds.
After digging the hole, the machine can then be used to push the fence or sign post into the ground without the need for any backfilling. As such, using a skid steer auger attachment can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to set up fences or signage.
Planting Trees
Many landscapers use skid steer augers to help them plant trees. Augers can quickly dig a precise, deep hole by effectively excavating any rock, soil, or other material in its way. In doing so, these attachments can help significantly speed up the process of preparing land for planting. In addition to improving speed, augers can also enhance landscapers’ quality of work due to their ability to always create consistent, clean, and secure holes that are perfectly spaced for new plants.
Installing Foundations
Another one of the many uses of skid steer augers is installing foundations. Augers give contractors complete control over all aspects of the digging process for the holes they create—from speed and power to depth and location. As such, this attachment proves highly beneficial for drilling the precise holes needed for pouring foundation footings or installing concrete piles.
Multipurpose Applications
Digging into the ground isn’t the only thing that augers are good for. Augers are multi-purpose attachments that can be used in a wide range of different applications. Once you have purchased the auger, you can change its bits and add different attachments to the auger drive. While there are numerous attachments that you can put on an auger to expand its capabilities, some of the most prominent include stump shaving, splitter, and cement-mixing attachments. That said, such uses are not common and only make up around 3 percent of auger applications.
If you could benefit from having a tool that can accomplish any of these tasks, McLaren Industries can help. As a leading manufacturer of commercial-grade skid steer attachments that take every measure to ensure our product’s success, you can trust that our augers will surpass the competition and provide superior-quality performance. Contact us today at 800-836-0040 if you have any questions or to request a quote.